Welcome to The Giant Estates – your trusted partner in property rentals. These terms and conditions outline the contractual relationship between you and The Giant Estates. By using our services and renting a property from our portfolio, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions.

Please take the time to carefully read these General Terms and Conditions which govern your contractual relationship with The Giant Estates and the Owner/Lessor/Landlord.

The Giant Estates, operates as a sole proprietorship, hereinafter referred to as “the Company.”

Registered on The Netherlands under number 78550092, whose registered office is located at Brede Hilledijk 73, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and whose VAT number is NL002387218B29 (hereinafter “The Giant Estates”), runs a website that can be viewed at https://thegiantestates.com (hereinafter the “Website”) allowing owners/lessors/landlords of real-estate properties (hereinafter the “Owners/Lessors”) to rent them seasonally to guests interested in reserving them (hereinafter the “Guests” or the “Lessees” or “Tenant”).

Agreement between Client and The Giant Estates 

The Giant Estates services and websites are provided to you for the purpose of searching, selecting, and making a reservation for a property rental listed in our portfolio of real-estate properties (hereinafter the “Properties” to instruct The Giant Estates to rent them out to interested clients (hereinafter the “Tenants”) on short-term lets.  
Our website http://www.thegiantestates.com and our booking service are made available to you conditioned upon your acceptance of the terms set forth below. By accessing or using The Giant Estates website and by renting a property with us, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply equally to the Group Leader and to all the persons named in the Booking Form (Client or Occupant).  

 The Giant Estates Service 

The Giant Estates provides a website and a service to book property rentals in the selected destinations offered on the website. 
You are fully responsible for the purchase and the organization of your transportation to the rental property. You are also fully responsible to check and comply with local regulations regarding passports and visas as well as health requirements. Please contact your local office for foreign travel and passports to enquire about passport, visa, and health requirements for the country in which the property is situated. 

For our Dutch clients, the Rijksoverheid may have issued information about your holiday destination. You are advised to check their website under “travel advice” or by telephone on 1400.  

It is a condition of booking that you take out adequate travel insurance. As a minimum, this should include cover for third-party liability, vacation rental, and medical repatriation. Your electronic validation of the booking form will be treated as confirmation that every member of your party has such insurance. 


Reserving a property 

  • By contacting a Customer Advisor from The Giant Estates for assistance.  
  • By choosing a property directly on the website and requesting information about one or more properties by filling out the form on the website. The guest request will be forwarded to one of the Customer Advisors of the company.  

The guest can reserve a property in two different ways:  

The Customer Advisor will confirm the availability and rate for the requested dates for each property. They will also advise the Guest on their choice or propose other properties based on their needs and expectations. 

Rental Conditions, Reservation Conditions, and Cancellation Conditions are instructed to The Giant Estates by the owner. All these conditions are displayed on the website or sent by email to the guest for each property of our portfolio.  

The Guest is hereby informed that: 

  • The Giant Estates strives to ensure that the prices listed on the Website are correct. However, the Owner/Lessor may change them, or an input error may occur from time to time. Only the prices confirmed in the Rental Conditions shall be binding on the Parties to the Rental Agreement. 
  • Descriptions of the properties are also given as accurately as possible by The Giant Estates, but some descriptions may be incomplete. The Giant Estates shall not be liable for any minor difference between the description of the house and the rented property.  
  • The names of the properties on the Website may not correspond to the actual names of these properties due to privacy concerns or other reasons by the owner. 

Confirming your reservation 

Once the Guest has decided on a property and the rental dates with the help of the Customer Advisor, the Customer Advisor will send an email to the Guest’s email address with a link enabling them to finalize their reservation. This is after the booking availability is confirmed to us by the owner and the booking form and rental dates have been issued to you.  

We will confirm your reservation upon payment of the pre-booking deposit and acceptance by you of the present Terms and Conditions, the Rental Conditions, the Reservation Conditions, and the Cancellation Conditions. 

Full payment is usually due 45 days prior to arrival date. Specific conditions apply, they will be mentioned in the Reservation Conditions. 

The Guest will be asked to click on the link provided by The Giant Estates in the email. When the Guest clicks on this link, a window will open allowing them to read the Terms and Conditions, the Rental Conditions, the Reservation Conditions, and the Cancellation Conditions before confirming their reservation. The Guest may view these items at any time.  

Once the Guest has read the items, they accept them by clicking on the box “I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions, the Rental Conditions, the Reservation Conditions, and the Cancellation Conditions”.  

If the Guest accepts the agreement, they will receive an email confirming their reservation with a payment schedule and The Giant Estates bank details. Payment Terms are explained in article 4. 

The booking price of your stay is sent on the booking form. The rental rate may include some services which are mentioned on the website.  

A list of on-request additional services is also mentioned along with indicative prices. On request, services will be billed to you by The Giant Estates before arrival or by The Giant Estates or the owner directly during your stay.  
A small booking fee is added to the rental price and corresponds to the costs and expenses required to process your request. This booking fee is set according to the following rule:  

Rental price up to 3000 euros: 29 euros 
Rental price between 3001 and 5000 euros: 59 euros 
Rental price between 5001 and 10000 euros: 79 euros 
Rental price between 10001 and 15000 euros: 99 euros 
Rental price between 15001 and 20000 euros: 129 euros 
Rental price above 20001 euros: 159 euros 
In case of cancellation of the reservation by you, the booking fees will not be reimbursed. In case of cancellation of the reservation by The Giant Estates, The Giant Estates will reimburse you for the booking fee charged initially. 

The Giant Estates has the right to refuse to accept any bookings at the Company’s discretion, without necessarily specifying a reason. 


The Guest must pay a deposit corresponding to a percentage of the rent for each reservation upon validation of the agreement. 

The amounts due by the Guest may be paid: 

  1.  by bank transfer to The Giant Estates account at the bank details indicated in the reservation confirmation email (the Guest must send The Giant Estates a copy of the transfer receipt) or 
  1.  by credit card via a secure online payment platform (Stripe or other provider). The Guest shall be exclusive liable for any costs associated with the use of this platform. 

Other forms or means of payment (including checks and cash) will be refused by The Giant Estates. 

The reservation will only be confirmed once the Guest has paid the deposit, within a maximum of three (3) business days from the date of The Giant Estates request for payment. 

Full payment of the balance as shown on your confirmation invoice is a few weeks prior to your arrival. If the payment is not received at the point stated in the Reservation Conditions, we reserve the right to cancel your booking and levy cancellation charges as detailed in the Cancellation Conditions
When due, deposit and balance payments can be made by Visa and Mastercard or direct bank transfer. Details will accompany your booking form. American Express payments are subject to a 3% surcharge. 
Credit card payment on The Giant Estates stripe provider is encrypted and secured through SSL technology. 

Security Deposit 

When you book with us, you accept responsibility for any damage or loss (Damage) to the property or adjacent properties caused by you or any member of your party, your employees or visitors to the property. The security deposit is intended to cover any damage/and or deterioration or unpaid bills caused by the guest to the rented property. The amount of the security deposit is determined by the Owner/Lessor and indicated in the Rental Conditions. 

The security deposit must be paid with the balance of your rental. The Giant Estates will require details of a credit card as further security for most bookings, in addition to the security deposit. Charges will only be made to your credit card in the exceptional situation where the damages caused to the property are in excess of the amount held as security deposit or if you have left unpaid bills for additional services and which cannot be deducted from the security deposit. 
We recommend that you ensure that your insurance policy covers accidental damage to the property and its contents. Your security deposit shall be returned to you as soon as possible, at the latest, within 15-30 days of the end of the booking period, after deduction of the cost of any damage. 

In the event of damage or a loss, The Giant Estates reserves the right not to reimburse the owner within the a fore mentioned time limit so that it can have the necessary experts’ reports and observations made in order to estimate the cost of the damage caused. 

The final estimated cost for repairing the property and the possible resulting loss of profits for the Owner due to the temporary inability to re-rent it during the repairs will be assessed and deducted from the amount of the security deposit returned to the guest and, if necessary, an additional amount may be claimed if the security deposit is insufficient. 

The amount of the security deposit is determined by the owner of the property.  

In the event The Giant Estates goes bankrupt, these funds cannot be seized. The amount of the security deposit may be adjusted if the exchange rate between the currency used in the country of the rented property and the transaction currency used for the Rental Contract fluctuates upwards or downwards by more than ten percent (10%). 


Should you need to cancel your booking after confirmation, you must immediately advise us in writing to [email protected] 
Your notice of cancellation will only be effective when it is received in writing by us at our offices. Cancellation fees may apply. The cancellation fees and no-show fees are displayed as a percentage of the booking price in the Cancellation Conditions. 
Although it is unlikely that we will have to make any changes to the confirmed arrangements, it could occasionally happen, and we will advise you at the earliest possible date. If for any reason beyond our control we are unable to provide you with the property you have booked, we reserve the right to transfer to a similar or better property. However, if this is not possible or you do not wish to be transferred, we will cancel the booking and refund the amount paid to us for the property, but we will not be liable for any cancellation charges for travel arrangements. 

If the Owner/Lessor decides to cancel the reservation, The Giant Estates will make its best efforts to offer the Guest a stay at another property of equivalent standing in the same area. If no property of equivalent standing in the same area is available, the Guest will be refunded the amount paid as a deposit before the check-in date. 

The Owner/Lessor will also be liable for compensating the Guest for the damages suffered as a result of this cancellation pursuant to ordinary law.      

The Owner/Lessor may only be released from their obligations to refund and compensate by providing proof of the occurrence of a force majeure event that prevented them from making the property reserved by the Guest available to them. 

The Owner/Lessor and/or The Giant Estates shall not be liable for refunding the amounts paid by the Guest or paying any compensation whatsoever to the Guest in the event that the reserved property cannot be made available to the Guest, totally or partially and/or if the current stay had to be interrupted, as a result of acts or events such as foreign or civil war, terrorism, sabotage, riots, strikes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, fires or more generally any other natural disaster, nuclear, bacteriological, chemical or industrial accidents, epidemics or pandemics, decisions by a government authority restricting movements or rental of the property, total or partial destruction of the property after signing the Rental Agreement. 

Villa Description and The Giant Estates Liability 

The photos on The Giant Estates website are intended to give a general overall impression of the standard of the villas we feature. Some aspects of the property may have changed by the time you come to make your booking, for example, items of furniture may have been removed by the owner. We cannot accept any liability if this situation should arise. 

The Giant Estates is only responsible towards the Guest for the referral and reservation service it offers. Since The Giant Estates is only an agent between the Guest and the Owner/Lessor and is not a party to the Rental Agreement entered into between them, it cannot be held liable for any failure by the Owner/Lessor to fulfill their obligations. 

The Giant Estates declines all liability in this regard, especially with regard to any acts, actions, behaviors, culpable nonfeasance, or negligence committed by the Owner/Lessor. 

The Giant Estates cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage resulting from using the internet, including but not limited to a disruption of service, hacking, the presence of computer viruses, fraudulent use of the credit card, etc. 

We promise to use reasonable skill and care in making your booking and selecting the property owners we work with. We have no responsibility for the properties themselves or for any services provided by property owners or other suppliers or for the acts or omissions of any property owner or other supplier or any of their employees, agents, suppliers or subcontractors. 
We act only as an agent for the property supplier or other supplier concerned. Your contract for your accommodation is directly with the property supplier concerned. We accept no liability in relation to the accommodation itself or for the acts or omissions of the property concerned or any of its employees, agents, suppliers or subcontractors. 
The Giant Estates and villa owners shall not accept responsibility for losses to guests for any claims, including but not limited to: 
1. Responsibility for personal body injury, death, accident, lost, stolen or damaged property, loss of mental or physical enjoyment, delay or inconvenience 
2. Any delays of changes in schedule, itineraries, incurred by any person arising out of any willful or negligent or omission of any carrier, hotel, airline, villa, ground operator or other person who does not render any services or accommodations. 
3. The act or omissions of any party 
4. Monetary crisis, labor problems, economic changes, mechanical maintenance or construction difficulties or noise, climatic aberrations, local laws, novel or unexpected conditions; 
5. Absence of travel documents, passports, visa and health certificates, where required. 
6. Additional expenses due to delay or changes in air or other services, missed carrier connections, substitute accommodation or of common carrier equipment, termination of service, change in fare and rates, cancellation or double booking reservations or tickets, sickness, strike, war, quarantine, pilferage, monetary crisis, political or social unrest, disease, acts of gods or any events beyond our control. 
The Giant Estates is not responsible for damages such as (but not limited to) motorcycle, scooter, and other vehicle rentals, horse-back riding, golfing, pool swimming, falls from pool decks, wet tiles and or stairs along with any sliding glass door injuries. Therefore, each guest agrees he/she is voluntary participating in any and all activities, risks, and use of the accommodations, and hereby assumes all risk of injury, illness, damage or loss to person and property that might result, including, without limitation, any loss or theft or personal property. 


The Giant Estates agrees to keep the Guest’s identity confidential and will only disclose their identity to the Owner/Lessor and the service providers/suppliers who need to know it. In certain special cases, if the Guest would like to remain as anonymous as possible, they should inform The Giant Estatet in writing (letter or email). Behavior 

We expect all clients to have consideration for other people. llegal or immoral activities including gambling, prostitution, prohibited drugs, possession or use of pyrotechnics or dangerous goods, and possession or use of firearms and other weapons are all strictly prohibited. 
If in our reasonable opinion or in the reasonable opinion of the owner or property manager, you or any member of your party behaves in such a way as to cause or be likely to cause danger, upset or distress to any third party or damage to property, we are entitled, without prior notice, to terminate the stay of the person(s) concerned. 
The client is responsible for the behaviour of the guests staying at the property, as well as visitors to the property during the rental period. Should any guest(s) or visitor(s) not behave in a suitable manner, The Giant Estates, the owner or owner’s representative may, in their absolute discretion, require the client, their party and/or visitor(s) to leave the premises and/or vacate the property immediately, without compensation or refund. 

Smoking is generally prohibited unless stated otherwise in the booking confirmation or reservation voucher. Pets are not allowed unless stated otherwise in the booking confirmation or reservation voucher. The use of firecrackers and fireworks is strictly prohibited. 


We and/or the owner/other supplier of the property concerned reserve the right to terminate your stay without notice if we or the owner/other supplier discover that the number of persons staying at the property exceeds the number stated on your confirmation email and you have not gained our or the owner’s/supplier’s prior written permission for this and/or paid any extra associated costs. In this situation, no refunds will be made and we will have no further responsibility to you. 


All bookings are assumed to be intended for standard holiday purposes, and the client acknowledges that the property’s usage will be limited to such purposes unless explicitly approved in writing.  you are considering hosting an event, such as a wedding or party, that involves a larger number of guests at the property, or if you plan to use the property for a purpose other than a holiday, please inform The Giant Estates at the time of booking.

Special approval or arrangements may be necessary. Depending on the event’s nature, there may be an additional fee and/or an increased security deposit, which will be determined and documented in writing before confirming the reservation. 

For any event, written permission must be obtained from the property owners via email, and the amount of any extra security deposit must be agreed upon in relation to the event. The tenant assumes full responsibility for any liabilities arising from the event, including neighbors’ complaints about excessive noise. Penalties for unauthorized gatherings can amount to €200,000. 

Using the rented property for commercial use (photo shoots, conferences, events, etc.) during their stay if the property was initially reserved by the Lessee for non-professional use, unless written consent has been obtained from The Giant Estates and the Owner/Lessor 

Tenant agrees that everybody related to him will not disturb the neighbors’ peaceful enjoyment of their properties, and that any consequences of disrespect to do so shall be their sole responsibility. Music and party noise must be reasonable and not disturbing the neighbors. After midnight music should be played inside the house only. The use of rented music equipment on the pool terrace is strictly prohibited unless approved in confirmed in writing prior to confirming the reservation.  

Swimming pools and Wellness Areas 

Swimming pools by their very nature carry their own inherent risks. You must ensure that you and all members of your party take great care when using or being near any swimming pool(s) at the property where you are staying. You should for example make sure you and all members of your party are aware of the depth(s) and layout of the pool prior to use and that all persons walk rather than run around or near the pool. Children must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult. 

At all times, you and your guests are to consider your own safety and the safety of others when using the wellness area. Use of the wellness area is at your and your guests own risk. Facilities are to be used for the designed purpose and in compliance with the instructions given by the staff of the property or the owner. Without prejudice to the generality of the above, the following things are strictly prohibited in the wellness areas: 

  • running; 
  • diving or jumping into the swimming pool or Jacuzzi; 
  • drinking of any alcohol or using the wellness area when under the influence of alcohol or drugs; 
  • leaving children unsupervised in the wellness area. 
  • using glass around the pool and terrace.

The direct, visual and active supervision of children present in a wellness area or by a swimming pool by an adult is essential and under your sole responsibility. The swimming pool, Jacuzzi etc located in the property do not always comprise an alarm system, safety nets or other safety measures designed to prevent the risk of drowning.  

To ensure the safety of children, the following precautions must be taken, in particular: 

  • never leave young children alone near the swimming pool or Jacuzzi; 
  • never leave a child alone in the water, even if they know to swim, or in a Hamman, steam room, sauna etc. They must always be under the supervision of an adult capable of saving them in the event of an accident; 
  • never leave toys or other items floating on the water; they may encourage children to approach the water; and 
  • always fit inflatable armbands of floating costumes on young children. 
  • If you fail to comply with the rules and security precautions set out in these Conditions, the staff of the property or the owner shall be entitled to prohibit the use of the wellness area or the swimming pool for the duration of your stay. 

Wildlife and Surrounding areas 

Neither The Giant Estates nor the property owner can be held responsible for the presence of any animals or insects you may encounter at the property. The majority of our villas are located outside city centers in rural areas where wildlife such as animals and insects are part of the landscape. Therefore, it would be particularly rare not to encounter different local animals, such as rodents, deer, goats or cats or dogs (stray or belonging to nearby locals), or insects such as wasps, bees, mosquitoes, flies, ants, scorpions or spiders or even snakes. Insects and animals can be attracted to water sources such as swimming pools, nearby streams or ponds, and are enticed by local vegetation and food left out following an al fresco meal. It is strongly advised to keep doors and windows closed as much as possible and to clear all remains of food following all (outdoor and indoor) meals to prevent any unwanted visitors. 
Neither The Giant Estates nor the property owner can be held responsible for any noise or disturbance which comes from beyond the boundaries of the property, or which is beyond the owner’s control. 


No animals are allowed in the properties without prior written consent of The Giant Estates. It should also be noted that in a number of our properties animals are prohibited altogether. An increased damage deposit and one off cleaning charge will be required as part of this consent. If during the stay, damage is caused by the animal we reserve the right to ban the animal from the property. 

Guest Reviews 

The Giant Estates is allowing clients to post reviews of their stay in a property. We may collect and display reviews, comments and other material from guests after they have completed their rental period purchased via The Giant Estates. 
You disclaim any proprietary rights you may have in such guest review, and your review(s) may be freely used, copied, distributed and made available in any medium and in any form by The Giant Estates or its affiliates without your permission. 
The Giant Estates reserves the right for any reason in its sole discretion to refuse to post or remove (without notice) any reviews. Amongst other things, this includes situations where The Giant Estates receives a third party complaint and/or has reason to believe that there has been a breach of these terms and conditions. 
If you have a complaint about any reviews, comments or material posted on this website you should put such complaint in writing to [email protected] 

 Applicable law 

These terms and conditions and any dispute, controversy, proceedings or claim of whatever nature in relation thereto shall be dealt with by the Courts of Rotterdam, The Netherlands.